May starts with the Sun conjunct Uranus and ends with a Full Moon eclipse and Mercury Retrograde. In other words, expect the unexpected this month.

It will be very important to stay grounded in May because the air will sizzle with electricity. Uranus conjunct the Sun makes for a lot of excitement, as well as tension. It is a good thing that Saturn continues to make a 90-degree aspect to Uranus and slows down the energy a little bit.

In the second week of May, Jupiter will make a difficult square aspect to Venus. Jupiter aspects, whether hard or easy, tend to bring a touch of impulse. If you are thinking of doing a remodel or any decorating, such as ordering new furniture, check and double check your budget before moving forward. Or you may find a great piece of clothing you don’t think you can live without. Make sure to check your budget before buying it. This advice holds true through the third week in May when Jupiter forms a 90-degree square aspect to the Sun. 

About mid-month, both Saturn and Jupiter form nice 120-degree trine aspects to Mercury. You may feel inspired or start getting a lot of great ideas. Write them down! Jupiter and Saturn can bring ideas that later can be worked into something tangible. More inspiration could come when Neptune squares Mercury and then Venus from May 16 through the end of the month. Again, write the ideas down. Neptune brings inspiration from other dimensions, but those ideas can be harder to pin down and make into reality without a lot of planning.

The month ends with a lot of conflicting aspects. Neptune will form a nice trine aspect to Mars, but Pluto will be in a hard square aspect to Mars. Emotions may flair in an unproductive way. Combine that with a Full moon eclipse that forms a square aspect with Jupiter on May 26 and Mercury going retrograde on May 29 and all I can say is that you might want to stay home over Memorial Day Weekend.

Also, do not plan on buying a new cell phone, computer, or car once Mercury turns retrograde. Wait until the end of June or beginning of July for those kinds of purchases.